SINGAPORE: South Korean actor Song Jae-rim, known for starring in K-drama The Moon Embracing the Sun, has died at the age of 39. According to South Korean media reports, police said Song was found ... Actor Song Jae-rim died on Thursday at the age of 39, with the cause of death still unclear as of Tuesday evening, Nov. 12. According to Seoul Seongdong Police Station, Song was found dead at Song Jae Rim's death was confirmed by police on November 12, according to The Times of India. The cause of his death has not been confirmed and is still being investigated. A two-page note was ... SEOUL - South Korean actor Song Jae-rim, who acted in blockbuster television dramas, including The Moon Embracing The Sun, died on Nov 7 at the age of 39. The cause of death was still unclear on ... Song Jae Rim, one of South Korea’s best known actors, has died at the age of 39, police in his native country have confirmed. According to reports, the actor, who also worked as model, ... He was 39 years old. Actor Song Jae Rim has passed away. According to media outlet OSEN, Song Jae Rim was found dead on the afternoon of November 12. He was 39 years old. The funeral will be held at a funeral home in Yeouido on November 14 at 12 PM KST. The burial site has not yet been determined. Song Jae-rim showcases designs by Songzio during the Seoul Fashion Week 2020 at Dongdaemun Design Plaza on October 17, 2019 in Seoul, South Korea CREDIT: The Chosunilbo JNS/Imazins via Getty ... Breaking. Nov 12, 2024. by M Lim. Actor Song Jae Rim has tragically passed away at the age of 39. According to Newsen, Song Jae Rim was found deceased on the afternoon of November 12. Later ... 宋 再 臨. Revised Romanization. Song Jaerim. McCune–Reischauer. Song Chaerim. Song Jae-rim (Korean: 송재림; February 18, 1985 – November 12, 2024) was a South Korean actor and model. [3] He began his career as a runway model for the Seoul collections of Juun. J, Herin Homme, and Ha Sang Beg. He also appeared in the magazines Bazaar ...
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