In a heartbreaking turn of fate, Song Jae Rim's last Instagram post was nearly 10 months ago, with his bio recently changed before the actor tragically passed away at the age of 39. Song Jae Rim has starred in several K-dramas and movies after making his debut in 2009 with a project titled Actresses. His popularity catapult after he starred as the loyal bodyguard, Kim Jae-woon in The Moon Embracing the Sun. The show was headlined by Kim Soo-hyun. This year, he was also seen in Queen Woo. He had two projects in the pipeline. Song Jae Rim death: K-drama actor’s last Instagram post raises brows, cryptic bio goes viral. x. 00:00. South Korean actor Song Jae Rim, known for shows like ‘The Moon Embracing the Sun’ and ... In 2014, Song Jae-rim was nominated for three categories at the KBS Drama Awards—Best New Actor, Popularity Award: Actor, and Best Couple Award for his work with Lee Ha-na in Unkind Ladies. 233 Followers, 120 Following, 37 Posts - J_kikaku ソンジェリム (@j_kikaku) on Instagram: "♯Song Jae Lim ♯ソンジェリム ♯송재림" South Korean actor Song Jae Rim, known for The Moon Embracing the Sun, passed away at 39 on November 12. His funeral is set for November 14, and his Instagram bio, recently updated, sparked ... Song Jae Rim found dead: South Korean actor Song Jae Rim's untimely death has sent shockwaves across the Korean entertainment industry. The 39-year-old actor was found dead in his Seoul apartment, police has confirmed. Now, Song Jae Rim's last Instagram post has now gone viral has raised concerns over actor's mental health. November 13, 2024 / 08:36 IST. In a shocking turn of events, South Korean actor Song Jae Rim passed away on November 12, at the age of 39. His sudden death has left fans and the entertainment ... Song Jae Rim has a massive following of over 437K on his Instagram. His last post is from January 2024. In his last post, Song Jae Rim dropped two selfies from his makeup room in a carousel post. In the pics the actor was seen seated at a dressing table, wearing a black tee. Song Jae shared the post with an emoji.
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