Korean actor and former model Song Jae-rim has died aged 39. The actor had his breakout role in the 2012 drama series The Moon Embracing the Sun. He then went on to appear in several popular TV ... Song Jae Rim, star of "Queen Woo," has passed away. He was 39 years old. According to a report by Soompi, the Seongdong Police Station confirmed on Tuesday that the South Korean actor and model was found deceased in his apartment in Seoul. Authorities have not confirmed Jae Rim's cause of death, although a police official said, "At this point ... South Korean actor Song Jae Rim dies at 39 on Tuesday, November 12. The reason for his death remains undisclosed but a 2-page note was discovered at the scene. Nov 12, 2024 15:57 pm IST. Read Time: 2 mins. New Delhi: Actor Song Jae Rim died at the age of 39 on Tuesday. The Seongdong Police Station in Seoul confirmed that the actor was found dead in his ... Queen Woo actor Song Jae Rim passes away at 39; funeral to be held on November 14. Extraordinary You’s Rowoon announces Seoul fan meeting Through That Winter on December 30 and 31; see poster. Queen Woo stars Song Jae Rim alongside Jeon Jong Seo, Kim Mu Yeol, Ji Chang Wook, Jeong Yu Mi, Lee Soo Hyuk and Park Ji Hwan. 2. The Moon Embracing the Sun – Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Viki Here’s all you need to know about the Queen Woo star's journey. TOI Entertainment Desk / etimes.in / Nov 13, 2024, 00:13 IST. ... Song Jae Rim was born on February 18, 1985, in Daehak Dong ... Song Jae-rim's former agency revealed that the cooperation between the two parties ended last year, and the actor's latest updates stopped in January this year. His IG profile was also changed to using the name "Beginning a long journey". His last public appearance before his death was in the musical "La Rose de Versailles" which ended last month. Song Jae Rim, the beloved South Korean actor known for his roles in popular K-dramas like We Got Married and Queen Woo, has tragically passed away at the age of 39. Initially a model, Song rose to fame with his captivating performances and charismatic presence on-screen. His sudden death has shocked fans and the entertainment industry, leaving behind a legacy of memorable roles and an ...
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