This Yonhap file photo shows South Korean actor Song Jae-rim, posing for photos at the press conference for mega-hit Kdrama "The Moon Embracing the Sun" held in Seoul on Dec. 2, 2012. (Yonhap) Song Jae-lim—a South Korean actor known for his recurring roles on K-drama series such as Moon Embracing the Sun and Two Weeks—was found dead in his home in Seoul on Nov. 7. He was 39. SEOUL, Nov. 13 (Yonhap) -- Actor Song Jae-rim, who passed away unexpectedly on Tuesday, remained dedicated to his craft up until his final days. Actively working across TV dramas, theater, and musicals. Originally a model, Song debuted in the 2009 film Actresses. His breakthrough came with the 2012 drama The Moon Embracing the Sun, where he ... Song began acting in 2009, and his notable roles include a loyal bodyguard in the period drama Moon Embracing the Sun (2012), [5] and a cold-blooded assassin in Two Weeks (2013). [6] He shot to fame after appearing in the fourth season of We Got Married with Kim So-eun. [7] K-drama actor Song Jae-rim has died aged 39. The star, best known for starring in the TV series Moon Embracing the Sun, was found dead at his home in Seoul by a friend, Seoul Seongdong Police has ... Song Jae-rim made her debut in the 2009 film The Actresses. Kim Je-woon, the king's escort in the MBC drama "Moon Embracing the Sun," drew attention. In 2014, he became popular by appearing in the entertainment show 'We Got Married'. Song Jae-lim, 'The Moon Embracing the Sun' actor, dies aged 39. Actor Song Jae-lim has died at the age of 39. The actor was first reported by news outlet Newsen to have been found dead on Tuesday afternoon. Later, Seongdong Police Precinct confirmed the actor’s death, saying he was found dead at his house at around 12:30 p.m. SINGAPORE: South Korean actor Song Jae-rim, known for starring in K-drama The Moon Embracing the Sun, has died at the age of 39. According to South Korean media reports, police said Song was found ... Now, King Hwon must uncover the truth and put an end to the wars ravaging the kingdom. Noblewoman turned shaman Han Ga In reunites with long-lost love Crown Prince Kim Soo Hyun in The Moon Embracing the Sun to take her rightful place as queen!
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