大仁田厚 得意技 西島秀俊 instagram

3. Cry Me A River [SIDE C]33 1/3 rpm 1. なみだ恋 2. Mr. Something Blue 3. 荒城の月 4. 舟唄 [SIDE D]33 1/3 rpm 1. Bei Mir Bist Du Schon ー素敵なあなたー 2. 愛の終着駅 3. 花 ... While you never shed a tear. Remember, I remember all that you said. Told me love was too plebeian. Told me you were through with me. and now you say you love me. Well, just to prove you do. Come on and cry me a river cry me a river. I cried a river over you. I cried a river over you. Well you can cry me a river cry me a river. I cried a river over you. Now you say you're sorry. For being so untrue. Well you can cry me a river cry me a river. I cried a river over you. You drove me nearly drove me out of my head. While you never shed a tear. Remember, I remember all that you said. Well you can cry me a river cry me a river I cried a river over you Now you say you're sorry For being so untrue Well you can cry me a river cry me a river I cried a river over you You drove me nearly drove me out of my head While you never shed a tear Remember, I remember all that you said Told me love was too plebeian Told me you were through ... Now you say you're lonely You cry the long night through Well you can cry me a river cry me a river I cried a river over you Now you say you're sorry Come on and cry me a river cry me a river. I cried a river over you. You drove me nearly drove me out of my head. While you never shed a tear. Remember, I remember all that you said. Told me love was too plebeian. Told me you were through with me. and now you say you love me. Well, just to prove you do. and now you say you love me. Well, just to prove you do. Come on and cry me a river cry me a river. I cried a river over you. You drove me nearly drove me out of my head. While you never shed a tear. Remember, I remember all that you said. Told me love was too plebeian. Told me you were through with me. I cried, cried, cried a river over you. You drove me, nearly drove me, out of my head. While you never shed a tear. Remember, I remember, all that you said. You told me love was too plebeian. Told me you were through with me and. Now you say, you love me. Well, just to prove you do. Come on and cry me a river, cry me a river. Well you can cry me a river cry me a river. I cried a river over you. Now you say you're sorry. For being so untrue. Well you can cry me a river cry me a river. I cried a river over you. You drove me nearly drove me out of my head. While you never shed a tear. Remember, I remember all that you said.

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