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13 Nov 2024 12:10AM. SINGAPORE: South Korean actor Song Jae-rim, known for starring in K-drama The Moon Embracing the Sun, has died at the age of 39. According to South Korean media reports ... Elisabeth McGowan. Song Jae-rim died at just 39 years old in November 2024. Known for his roles in K-dramas, the late actor’s death broke fans’ hearts around the world. Many shared emotional ... Nov 12, 2024, 08:35 PM. SEOUL - South Korean actor Song Jae-rim, who acted in blockbuster television dramas, including The Moon Embracing The Sun, died on Nov 7 at the age of 39. The cause of ... "Korean Stars’ Emotional Reactions to Song Jae Rim’s Sudden Passing Will Break Your Heart" 宋 再 臨. Revised Romanization. Song Jaerim. McCune–Reischauer. Song Chaerim. Song Jae-rim (Korean: 송재림; February 18, 1985 – November 12, 2024) was a South Korean actor and model. [3] He began his career as a runway model for the Seoul collections of Juun. J, Herin Homme, and Ha Sang Beg. He also appeared in the magazines Bazaar ... South Korean actor Song Jae Rim, known for The Moon Embracing the Sun, passed away at 39 on November 12. His funeral is set for November 14, and his Instagram bio, recently updated, sparked ... Song Jae-rim, who died at age 39 on Tuesday, left one final message for fans.. The Korean actor made his final Instagram post about 10 months ago, which included his own mirror selfies. After that ... The manager opened up ater Song’s passing. The Korean entertainment industry was shocked after news of actor Song Jae Rim ’s passing broke on November 12. The Actresses star was only 39 years old. Since his passing, fellow stars from the industry have taken to their social media accounts to share heartbreaking messages. Song Jae Rim. By Rovelyn Barba Nov 12 2024, 22:52 PM EST. In light of actor Song Jae Rim 's unexpected death, a touching 2022 interview has started gaining traction again, along with renewed memories of his thoughts on what his funeral should entail. Youtube. Song, who starred in the film "Good Morning," which he described as about a young girl ...

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